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How to prevent cracked feet in winter

Cracked feet during winter. So everyone has to take care of their feet more or less differently. A cracked ankle is a painful and embarrassing problem. For some, germs can enter through these broken skin and become infected.
 Some even get bloody feet. Many people are dehydrated due to drinking less water in winter. Apart from that, the humidity in the air is less in winter. Again, due to being dirty or walking barefoot, the feet also get cracked. Cracked feet cause ankle pain. Prolonged cracked feet can lead to infection, pain in the feet, swelling of the feet and disruption of daily activities. Excessive sweating of the feet, deficiency of vitamins A, C and E can be responsible.

Some diseases also cause cracked feet. Eg: palmoplantar keratoderma. It is a genetic disease. If the patient has this problem, the skin becomes thick. Coarse and thick skin tends to become scaly and hard due to adhesions, which crack with excessive dryness.

Psoriasis is a kind of skin disease, the incidence of which increases in winter. Psoriasis on the palms of the hands and feet causes the affected area to break out and show flesh. This crack increases in winter. Tiriasis rubra pilaris is a genetic disease. People who have it, have very dry hands and feet in the winter and have psoriasis-like breakouts.

The first and foremost condition to prevent cracked feet is to keep the skin soft and moist. So what to do during winter is, don't walk barefoot, wear comfortable soft shoes, drink enough water, wash your feet regularly and use lotion or vaseline when they are slightly wet.

Exfoliate dead skin by scrubbing feet with sandpaper, stone or pumice stone followed by coconut oil massage.
Cotton socks should be worn. It will protect your feet from cold, dust and pollution.

Take care of your feet one day a week. Half a bucket of turmeric in hot water with 1 pinch of salt and soaking the feet in it for half an hour gives a lot of relief.

Apply a mixture of equal amounts of glycerin and rose water on the cracked area and leave it overnight. It will reduce the cracks and pain. Glycerin keeps the skin soft. On the other hand, rose water contains vitamins A, B3, C, D and E. Also contains anti-oxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

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